Best Analysis

Wandtke & Associates will help you identify the RIGHT areas to work on first that will help you get the most value.

  • Quick

n & Affordable. The free upfront initial assessment only takes about 15 minutes and you get a valuable, detailed report with actionable steps just for participating. The second tier assessment is usually conducted as part of the formal engagement, but it still only takes 60-90 minutes and is incredibly thorough.

  • Deep Dive Analysis. The analysis typically includes a value gap analysis, shows the increase in value over time for completed tasks, includes a ‘What If?’ scenario to test changes, benchmarking, CoreValue rating, plus an analytics report, KPIs and more.

Equipment Montage

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Drain Reconstruction

Nullam ultricies ipsum elit, vitae finibus turpis semper a. Sed accumsan sapien consequat placerat rutrum. Morbi eu tortor augue.

Water Distribution

Morbi tempus velit interdum arcu tempus, scelerisque rutrum justo dictum. Nunc euismod urna in odio gravida pellentesque. Integer elit diam, pharetra et laoreet eget.